Ezt most az update-ek napja, linkek a Pinkberry-s posthoz: NY Times cikk, Gawker linkek.
Röviden: finom, de a New York-iaknak nem tetszik a merev kiszolgálás: nem adnak extra toppingot vagy két ízt egy adagban, szal kicsit Soup Nazi feeling.
Ja és a kapcsolódó Seinfeld epizód: The Non-Fat Yogurt. NY-ban mindenről van Seinfeld epizód :-)
A frozen yogurt történetéről (NY Times):
"When frozen yogurt was introduced in the 1970s, the American public was largely unwilling to countenance its tart taste. In the 1980s, the chains The Country’s Best Yogurt (now TCBY) and I Can’t Believe It’s Yogurt added flavors and sugars, creating cloyingly sweet and chalky products.
Consumers were charmed by this low-fat, lower-calorie alternative to ice cream and its odious cousin, ice milk. Sales of frozen yogurt soared over 200 percent a year from the mid 1980s until the early 1990s. But then a wave of new reduced-fat ice creams turned up and “frozen yogurt started to take a dive,” said Steven Young, a food technologist and an ice cream expert who runs a consulting firm in Houston."
"Smooth, with a tangy finish to the plain. Doused with some fresh berries, it is almost addictive, and the lines at many Pinkberry locations seem understandable, even if Cap’n Crunch toppings do not. The green tea flavor is a bit more grainy and overbearing, and makes up less than 40 percent of the sales, Mr. Lee said.
És miért van oda érte mindenki:
"Frozen yogurt’s rebirth appears to be an outgrowth of the nation’s obsession with food that offers health benefits (TCBY, looking for a revival of its own, added more live active cultures to its yogurt’s base) and of its evolving palate."
Bocs, hogy nem fordítottam le.
Pinkberry update
2007.02.22. 13:25 TamasNYC
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Címkék: gasztronómia
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